What is Mental Health?

Mental health involves our social, emotional, and psychological status. Our thinking, feelings and actions are all affected by our mental health. It also helps us with how we deal with certain situations and make decisions in our life.

Early Signs for Mental Health Problems
  • Eating or sleeping too much or too little
  • Having low or no energy
  • Having unknown aches and pains
  • Feeling unusually confused, hopeless, forgetful, angry, worried, scared or helpless
  • Yelling or fighting with family and friends
  • Inability to perform daily tasks like taking care of your kids or getting to work or school
  • Thinking of harming yourself or others
How to maintain positive mental health?
  • Get professional help if it’s a critical condition
  • Build up network with people
  • Have positive attitude
  • Getting physically active
  • Do volunteerings
  • Get enough sleep
  • Be able to handle stress
  • Have confidence and believe in yourself
  • Avoid having regrets
  • Most common mental health conditions

    Depression is a feeling of low mood that lasts for a long time.The signs of depression could be feeling hopeless, despairing, guilty, worthless, unmotivated and exhausted. It may affect your self-esteem, sleep, appetite, sex drive and your physical health. At its most critical stage, depression can make you feel suicidal and be life-threatening. Some common treatments for depression are get social support, exercise, eat healthy, stress reduction, get enough sleep, handling life’s problems, take on responsibilities, build healthy relationships, do something new, and try to have fun.

    Anxiety Disorders are illnesses that causes people to feel frightened, distressed and uneasy for no apparent reason. Anxiety disorders usually begin by middle age,but it can happen at any stage of life. Recent research has shown that women are more likely to have an anxiety disorder than men. All anxiety disorders have similar symptoms such as panic, fear, uneasiness, sleep problems, cold, sweaty, numb or tingling hands or feet, shortness of breath, heart palpitations, dry mouth, nausea, tense muscles, and dizziness. However, different anxiety disorders have different medication regimens. Some are preventive and some are designed to cure the problem. There are two kind of treatments that most people with the condition try. First is medication known as antidepressant, many antidepressants can work for anxiety disorders. Anxiolytics are also drugs that help lower anxiety. Second is psychotherapy where you talk with a mental health specialist about how to understand and deal with your anxiety disorder.

    Phobias is an exaggerated and irrational fear by a particular situation like going outside or object such as spiders . Phobias are more serious than simple fear sensations and are not limited to fears of specific triggers. Despite individuals being aware that their phobia is irrational, they cannot control the fear reaction.Symptoms for phobias may include sweating, abnormal breathing, accelerated heartbeat, trembling, chest pains, pins and needles, confusion and disorientation, and headache. As specialists recommended a psychologist or psychiatrist is an useful first step in treating a phobia that has already been identified. Medications that are effective for the treatment of phobias are beta blockers, antidepressants and tranquilizers. There are a number of therapeutic options for treating a phobia such as desensitization, or exposure therapy and cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT).

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