New diet

The human diet is a tricky thing. For decades doctors have been debating what is considered healthy. Recently however scientists and doctors like Dr. Gary Fettke, have discovered that having a high fat and protein diet has a magical effect on patients’ conditions. In addition to having a mostly meat and vegetable diet, the patients involved cut out sugar and very processed food. The impact of this diet and his research is all laid out in a wonderful documentary called The Magic Pill.

"if a lie is repeated often enough, people will begin to believe it.-Jimmy Moore”

Feeding the Brain

Why is protein so important? How does it relate to the brain? Well, the brain uses proteins that we feed it to communicate with the neurons that send messages to make our bodies function. This is the reason why people get an energy boost from high protein snacks, like nuts and trail mix. High carbohydrate snacks make us feel really sluggish because there is no nutrients for the brain to run off of. Eating enough protein keeps you energized and happy. Having a healthy diet means to eat just enough protein and to make sure you are meeting other dietary requirements.

Not all sugar coated

New research suggests that cutting out excess sugar and processed foods is the key to solving this country’s health issues. Looking at documentaries and research similar to The Magic Pill, the best diet is one with high amounts of protein, healthy fats, and limiting the amount of carbs you eat. They believe that cutting out excess sugar can help with different conditions. In the documentary The Magic Pill, these conditions include, type two diabetes, asthma, epilepsy, autism, and cancer. All of these patients saw drastic improvements in their conditions and planned on continuing to eat a keto diet. It is no surprise that sugar is bad for us, but now there is legitimate prove that cutting it out could be the next step to curing modern diseases.

The F Word

Fat. A word that is feared and hated, but should it be? When you walk through a supermarket you always see fat-free products stocked on every shelf. Although you may think these are the healthier options, the fat-free products are much worse. Starting in the 1960’s there was a search for a reason why people were having cardiac attacks and other complications. At the time, many doctors believed that it was the amount of fat their patients were intaking. By the 1970s and 1980s scientists and dietitians were promoting this diet to the whole nation (without proven research). When all the food companies started taking out the fat, they added more sugar to make it taste better. This not only removed the healthy fats but added an unnecessary amount of sugar to their diet. The patients started getting heavier and sicker, but the researchers did not recant what they said about fat. Healthy fats include products such as avocados and salmon. Unhealthy fats are found in fast food and vegetable oils. Beware of trans-fat and saturated fats, but make sure you eat enough healthy fats.

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